Watches jewelry & other Fine art instagram: cesare_gualdoni +39 3939861127 “acrobat” 2022 Limited Edition /7 (+1 A/P) on demand in different formats: Size 40×60 cm extern 41.2×61.2, or 50×75 extern...
Watches jewelry & other Fine art instagram: cesare_gualdoni +39 3939861127 “ATLANTE” holding the weight of the world . 2022 Diodorus Siculus writes that Atlas was the first to represent the world by means of a sphere, and...
Watches jewelry & other Fine art instagram: cesare_gualdoni +39 3939861127 “VEGETABLE TRIPTYCH” 2022 Three subjects for a triptych of images. _DSF9745 plume _DSF9670 together _DSF9633 you and me Limited...
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